




I have a new name and it’s Flearoy.  Since I was an unclaimed stray and I only speak dog, I can’t tell you what my name was.  Flearoy will have to do.  

Now I have a bone to pick with the people who dumped me.  Why do some humans think it’s okay to abandon a dog? Did they think that they were setting me free to live the rest of my days with some good Samaritan who finds me in his path?  No, they knew better.  What it really means is that my humans took the coward’s way out.  

Anyone who does this, or even considers it, needs to know what can happen when people decide to “set us free”.  Since you are not feeding your dog, what do you suppose his food choices will be?  Therefore, if your dog isn’t hit by a car or eaten by a wild animal, the next most likely outcome will be starving to death.  Don’t stop reading now!  You need to know this; your dog will not live happily ever after unless he is lucky enough to be picked up by either Animal Control or a caring human.  No dog deserves to be abandoned and left to figure out how to find shelter, scavenge for food, and avoid other horrible possibilities.  No dog!  

This is a message from me and all my canine pals here at Animatch who have found themselves in the same bind and the message needs to be spread.  People, you must do better than this.

In the meantime, I am waiting for a family who will take help me forget my previous life and will commit to me for the rest of my days.  If you take your time and get to know me, you will discover that inside of me is a sweet, lovable dog who just needs a human to not let him down.  Fill out the Application Form and ask for Flearoy.




Shih Tzu-x
1.5 years
Small (14 lbs)
Dog friendly
Cat Friendly
Energy Level
Grooming Level

Adoption Process

Please note that due the volume of applications, we are unable to respond to all applicants and ONLY those being considered will be contacted. We thank you for your understanding. The adoption application link is posted below and the adoption process is outlined on the website.  Animatch asks that you read the Adoptee’s bio in its entirety before applying to ensure you meet the requirements for the dog.

Fill the Adoption Application