The Animatch Adoptees

Dogs For Adoption

By adopting from Animatch, you will be helping to rescue another dog, by making space at our Centre for another homeless dog. If we have no space, the future of some dogs is pretty bleak. By adopting rather than buying, you will reduce the demand that drives the commercial breeders (puppy mills) of puppies.
The Adoption Option: Let's make it the first option.


Emergency Help Fund

Zia, a 5-month-old, scruffy puppy suffered a double fracture, and surgery was required.  Sadly, her family had to make a difficult decision.  Animatch felt that this pup could have an awesome life ahead of her.  Pain and suffering must be dealt with and we have committed to helping this pup. Surgery is estimated at $3,000. Once again, we need the help of our supporters; without you these surgeries cannot get done.  Any donation –large or small – is so appreciated.